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Valborgsfirande i Bern
Valborgsfirande i Bern

tis 30 apr.


Svenska Residentet

Valborgsfirande i Bern

Ambassaden och Svenska klubben i Bern bjuder in till Valborgsfirande. Begränsat antal platser och anmälan görs direkt till ambassaden se nedan.

Tid och plats

30 apr. 2024 17:30 – 19:30

Svenska Residentet, Pourtalèsstrasse 49, 3074 Muri bei Bern, Schweiz

Om evenemanget

The Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Club in Bern warmly welcome you and your family to celebrate the Swedish Valborg (English: Walpurgis Night)

on Tuesday, 30 April 2024 between 17.30-19.30

in the garden of the Swedish Residence, Pourtalèsstrasse 49, Muri bei Bern

Spring is just around the corner, and should, according to Swedish tradition, be greeted with songs and an outdoor fire. The Ambassador of Sweden, Mr Carl Magnus Nesser, and representatives of the Swedish-Swiss Friendship group in the Swiss Parliament will make short remarks and light a small fire. Then the Swedish choir “Cappella Catharinae” will perform some of the most beloved Swedish spring songs.

Space is limited so make sure to apply for free tickets by sending an email to, don’t forget to write how many are coming. If you have questions, send a message to the same email address.

The event takes place outdoors so dress according to weather. Light refreshments will be served.

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